It’s graduation day for CYBERPRO.AI Israel’s Warriors

CYBERPRO.AI | March 2023

It’s Graduation Day for CYBERPRO.AI​ Israel’s Warriors For High-Tech Program!

Cyberpro.AI Israel would like to extend a big round of applause to the amazing group from the data analyst course Alpha track who have successfully completed the course and are going to invest the knowledge they have gained in the elite units of the IDF!

In partnership with leading companies, the course is part of the “Warriors for Hi-Tech” program, led by the “Yadidi Atidim” association and in cooperation with the Shaar Latid Directorate and the ICT and LoTM units in the IDF.

CYBERPRO.AI’s ground-breaking venture helps warriors who contributed to their country take their first steps into the high-tech sector. Our capacity-building programs provide hands-on capabilities in necessary fields such as IT and Programming. Veterans enjoy direct mentoring from industry experts, receiving professional and valuable tools from the world of entrepreneurs. The initiative helps to successfully integrate the candidates into the tech industry.

And this week we were proud to announce the latest graduates from this powerful program. During the graduation event, in the presence of the chairman of the CYBERPRO.AI group – Gabi Ashkenazi and the representatives of the partners, the students presented their final project, and with great pride received the graduation certificates.

CYBERPRO.AI would also like to extend its thanks to the team and course instructors who led the course, to the mentors who came along the way and of course to the dear students!

And as a personal note to the warriors themselves: to start such an intensive and professional course, to go to war beyond the borders and to return to finish the course with such crazy projects – this is not something you see every day! You prove in every moment what a significant asset you are! Continue to be an inspiration to everyone and don’t forget to come visit us (with a cake) at the college.

To find out more about what we have to offer visit our website,