System and Network Auditing
A deep-dive course into the process of conducting security audits for information systems and networks.
40 hours
Management and Awarenesss
40 hours
Management and Awarenesss


Auditing is now a key process within the IT and cyber branches of businesses. Quicker tech advancements, regulatory compliance, and resource management are still key challenges. Auditing assesses the effective implementation and helps discover the diverse risks the company may face and how companies approach these. Properly trained System and Network Auditing professionals effectively evaluate the success of a business’ safety strategies, which would guarantee more secure cyber operations. Auditing trained personnel can also help companies internally prepare for future external audits, becoming an asset for these entities. On the other hand, cybersecurity has become a potentially profitable niche for organizations specialized in auditing; hence, there is a growing demand for cybersecurity auditing professionals.
The course will provide trainees the skills to conduct audit services for cybersecurity companies or corresponding departments on any given business, per standards, to assist organizations in protecting and controlling information systems, through the learning of analysis techniques. Additionally, they will be able to offer conclusions on the state of an organization’s IS/IT security, risk, and control solutions.

The course covers the following topics:


It’s important to improve the accordion’s behaviour

The Auditing Process
  • Planning
  • Executing audit
Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation
  • Information Systems Acquisition and Development
  • Information Systems Implementation
Protection of Information Assets
  • Information Asset Security and Control
  • Security Event Management
  • Additional Tasks
Governance and management of IT
  • IT Governance
  • IT Management
Operations and business resilience
  • Information Systems Operations
  • Business Resilience
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About CYBERPRO was founded in cooperation with international information security and instruction authorities who bring to Israel world-leading cyber training technologies and a learning experience of the highest standard available today.

The partners include the IITC group which has been training graduates for the high tech industry for over 20 years, and was selected as the training center for the Cisco Company in Israel.

CYBERPRO’s advanced, sought-after training courses in the areas of infrastructures, information security and cyber are world famous. These training courses were developed by some of the best cyber experts in the world, for international security organizations that emphasize the high training capabilities, the professional learning methods and the unique training and practice technologies. Our connection with international groups allows our students to be exposed to unique employment opportunities in Israel and abroad.

The training and learning tracks are all based much hands-on practice and preparation for the industry and profession requirements, so they include technological labs and practice sessions using one of the most advanced simulators in the world.

    • System admins
    • Member of information security teams
    • Good knowledge of networking
    • Good knowledge in operating systems Windows/Linux
    • Good knowledge in security product
    • Ability to perform organizational audit processes according to best practices.
    • Familiarity with IT governance models
    • Familiarity of risk models and approaches